Devaluation, NEP, elections and jail murders in Cubazuela
It looks like things are coming to a head for the regime. Alleged Vice-president Maduro traveled to the seat of the Venezuelan government in Havana for a day to collect a few signatures from Chavez, in...
View ArticleAway from computers...
For about a week. And it might be a good thing because after the Uribana massacre and Raul Castro becoming a pro tempora leader of an allegedly democratic organization would have made me write very...
View ArticleWhere is Waldoniel? 2013 edition
OK, at least two people asked for it so there we go.If you do not know where this famous restaurant is, there is a hint after the jump.There is at least three items in this picture that will tell you...
View ArticleThe Fascist National Assembly of Venezuela
The mind reels. What happened at the National Assembly today defies all reason, all rationale, or logic. That is, if you think like a normal person who has a minimum of understanding about what is...
View ArticleThe MUD replies to Cabello: the F word is said
After the jump my translation of the strongly worded communique of the Unidad/MUD group. This is a "no return" communique, if you ask me.----------------------------------Sure of his impunity, one of...
View ArticleMarriage for all in France
While I was away something happened in France that I would like to share with readers of this blog even though I know some may be offended.The socialists in charge since May 2012 have pushed forward a...
View ArticleMatrimonio para todos en Francia
Mientras estaba de viaje algo ocurrió en Francia que me gustaría compartir con los lectores de este blog aunque sé que algunos pueden sentirse ofendidos.Los socialistas oficialistas desde mayo de 2012...
View ArticleDel Carmonazo al Descabellomiento
Sinceramente, cada día cuesta más escribir sobre la locura en Venezuela.Ni siquiera mirando al pasado podemos tener puntos de referencias válidos. Por ejemplo, el último golpe antes del golpe del 9 de...
View ArticleThe election approaches: the new calendar
With what has been going on in the last two weeks we must deduct the following: Chavez is not coming back to office and elections are coming anytime soon. Very soon. After all it has been now 60,...
View ArticleIn the "shit is about to hit the fan" section: January inflation at 3.3%
I was musing yesterday about possible election dates. Today's announcement of a January inflation of 3,3% indicates that elections in March 17 are becoming a higher probability. Let's see.First, you...
View ArticleCadenas under the Madubello
Since Maduro and Cabello have been slugging out the Chavez inheritance cadenas have evolved some. They are shorter, nastier and more idiotic, if possible. The one from last night was a doozie....
View ArticleDevaluation today: 4,3 to 6,3 for 1 USD
Just announced. (more updates tonight)It seems that the situation is so bad that they could not wait until after the oncoming presidential vote. Thus it could push the vote AFTER March 17, just a few...
View ArticleIntroducing a new devaluation modality: the political devaluation
A good explanation too...UPDATEDThe good thing about today's devaluation is that you do not need to be a PhD economist from S.U. to understand or to explain it. The regime has not done a devaluation...
View ArticleSo, where are we at?
The president has not been heard of in now more than 60 days.The president missed his swearing him obligation and the High Court drew a lame excuse which violates the Constitution WHEN there was an...
View ArticleThe Natives are restless: military abuse against Native Americans Pemon
Prisoner of the Pemon!!!!!I had to wait to be ready to discuss the latest scandal of bolivarianism. And it is a big one. Imagine that: machete and small gun wielding Native Pemon of Bolivar state were...
View ArticleLa République
In French stating "La République" is much more than saying that France has a republican form of government It means also that we are proud of it being so and that we are willing to give up some of our...
View Articleex-Republica versus La République
En Francia cuando se dice "La République" es mucho más que decir que Francia tiene una forma republicana de gobierno. Significa también que estamos orgullosos de que sea así y que estamos dispuestos a...
View ArticleDevaluating the devaluation
arithmetical error?I am no economist. Though it seems that my scientific background allows me to understand a devaluation more than most, I am afraid to have to say in all modesty.The thing is that...
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