The president has not been heard of in now more than 60 days.
The president missed his swearing him obligation and the High Court drew a lame excuse which violates the Constitution WHEN there was an acceptable way, that did not violate too much the Constitution and that counted with the blessing of the opposition while allowing chavismo to retain all levers of power for at least 180 days.
There is no clear leadership at the top of the government Main chavismo personalities keep going back an forth to Havana and yet there is no evidence, solid evidence, that they discuss things with Chavez.
The commie, atheist, bomb throwers, Said Baba followers, Catholic Church thrashers of the past are suddenly finding religion and bringing statues of the Virgin Mary to Chavez, in Cuba of all places, offical vehicles and all.
The only language left for chavismo at home are threats and insults. Not even hints of a rational position anywhere, even when they lop off 37% of the Venezuelans savings and income.
The regime is trying to use blackmail, threats and cash to bring over opposition legislators, in the purest Peru's Montesino fashion except it is made in public. No vladivideos needed here.
Shelves are getting increasingly empty and any store tat receives corn flour has lines in front.
The inflation is now above 3% two months in a row. That is, two months in a row Venezuela has had more monthly inflation than most countries have in a year.
The currency loses 37% of its value and actually it is not enough according to most serious economists.
Yet the price of gas remains unchanged and with this new devaluation sales at the pump may not even cover the attendant's minimal wage.
The new labor law has created a massive chronic absenteeism in most production plants bringing down production to dangerous levels.
And more....
So, where at we now? You tell me......
The president missed his swearing him obligation and the High Court drew a lame excuse which violates the Constitution WHEN there was an acceptable way, that did not violate too much the Constitution and that counted with the blessing of the opposition while allowing chavismo to retain all levers of power for at least 180 days.
There is no clear leadership at the top of the government Main chavismo personalities keep going back an forth to Havana and yet there is no evidence, solid evidence, that they discuss things with Chavez.
The commie, atheist, bomb throwers, Said Baba followers, Catholic Church thrashers of the past are suddenly finding religion and bringing statues of the Virgin Mary to Chavez, in Cuba of all places, offical vehicles and all.
The only language left for chavismo at home are threats and insults. Not even hints of a rational position anywhere, even when they lop off 37% of the Venezuelans savings and income.
The regime is trying to use blackmail, threats and cash to bring over opposition legislators, in the purest Peru's Montesino fashion except it is made in public. No vladivideos needed here.
Shelves are getting increasingly empty and any store tat receives corn flour has lines in front.
The inflation is now above 3% two months in a row. That is, two months in a row Venezuela has had more monthly inflation than most countries have in a year.
The currency loses 37% of its value and actually it is not enough according to most serious economists.
Yet the price of gas remains unchanged and with this new devaluation sales at the pump may not even cover the attendant's minimal wage.
The new labor law has created a massive chronic absenteeism in most production plants bringing down production to dangerous levels.
And more....
So, where at we now? You tell me......