While I was away something happened in France that I would like to share with readers of this blog even though I know some may be offended.
The socialists in charge since May 2012 have pushed forward a major reform in that now homosexual couples will have the right to marry and adopt in EQUALITY of conditions with heterosexual couples. Certainly this is a development that I may decide to take advantage myself if the "mariage pour tous" law passes. After a 13 years relationship we may wish to formalize it and let the S.O. get a French passport and more protection against a clearly homophobic regime here in Venezuela.
But this being a Venezuelan blog, I am not going to write much about that passionate debate in France, besides letting you know that the right wing is covering itself in shame, has lost many votes for many years, including mine (as a switch voter I did vote for Sarkozy last May, though I voted socialist for the following parliamentary elections; no more). You may just look across the Channel how at the same time the Tories had at least the good idea to split over the question.
The real reason I wanted to chime on this French debate is that I wanted to compare the quality of politics in France and of its minsters even if one may not agree with them. And yet cantankerous France is not usually seen as a paragon of civilized debate in parliamentary settings. The video below is the opening statement of Christiane Taubira, the "garde des sceaux" or French justice minister. I want to impress that this is a deeply knowledgeable woman, at least on this topic. That she is the one clearly wielding the power of the message, or if you prefer that she has been truly empowered by her party to defend the dossier. Now contrast this with the many woman inside chavismo who are mere errand girls at best and of dubious personal morality at worst. Cachifas I described them once. For the life of me I cannot imagine any of the chavista female ministers defending her dossier with the culture, education and intellectual integrity that Ms. Taubira did on January 29. Even if you do not understand French a couple of minutes of her speech without notes and yet with ruthless exactitude should make you get my point.
As in everything else chavismo has also failed the gay folks in Venezuela. Even the so vaunted universal AIDS care was decided by judges of the pre Chavez era, and at any rate has been financially floundering for a while, like all health care for that matter. In 1999 constitution gay rights could have been explicitly mentioned but they were not. Nor was abortion and other social concerns. Only appeared those that would maximize a YES vote on the constitution. Already then the pseudo revolutionary government was more concerned in promoting the power of Chavez than any actual true democratization of the country. The results were expected and were seen freshly yesterday in the National Assembly of Venezuela where this one was used for political attacks and repression rather than grand discussion as Ms. Taubira presided over a few days ago. France and Europe keep advancing in the path of civilization, Venezuela is retrograding fast to fascist barbarism.
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The socialists in charge since May 2012 have pushed forward a major reform in that now homosexual couples will have the right to marry and adopt in EQUALITY of conditions with heterosexual couples. Certainly this is a development that I may decide to take advantage myself if the "mariage pour tous" law passes. After a 13 years relationship we may wish to formalize it and let the S.O. get a French passport and more protection against a clearly homophobic regime here in Venezuela.
But this being a Venezuelan blog, I am not going to write much about that passionate debate in France, besides letting you know that the right wing is covering itself in shame, has lost many votes for many years, including mine (as a switch voter I did vote for Sarkozy last May, though I voted socialist for the following parliamentary elections; no more). You may just look across the Channel how at the same time the Tories had at least the good idea to split over the question.
The real reason I wanted to chime on this French debate is that I wanted to compare the quality of politics in France and of its minsters even if one may not agree with them. And yet cantankerous France is not usually seen as a paragon of civilized debate in parliamentary settings. The video below is the opening statement of Christiane Taubira, the "garde des sceaux" or French justice minister. I want to impress that this is a deeply knowledgeable woman, at least on this topic. That she is the one clearly wielding the power of the message, or if you prefer that she has been truly empowered by her party to defend the dossier. Now contrast this with the many woman inside chavismo who are mere errand girls at best and of dubious personal morality at worst. Cachifas I described them once. For the life of me I cannot imagine any of the chavista female ministers defending her dossier with the culture, education and intellectual integrity that Ms. Taubira did on January 29. Even if you do not understand French a couple of minutes of her speech without notes and yet with ruthless exactitude should make you get my point.
As in everything else chavismo has also failed the gay folks in Venezuela. Even the so vaunted universal AIDS care was decided by judges of the pre Chavez era, and at any rate has been financially floundering for a while, like all health care for that matter. In 1999 constitution gay rights could have been explicitly mentioned but they were not. Nor was abortion and other social concerns. Only appeared those that would maximize a YES vote on the constitution. Already then the pseudo revolutionary government was more concerned in promoting the power of Chavez than any actual true democratization of the country. The results were expected and were seen freshly yesterday in the National Assembly of Venezuela where this one was used for political attacks and repression rather than grand discussion as Ms. Taubira presided over a few days ago. France and Europe keep advancing in the path of civilization, Venezuela is retrograding fast to fascist barbarism.
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